Sunday, August 9, 2009


I don't understand how deaf people survive, because they don,t have music. Music is like 40 percent of my life! I love love love love music! I honestly don't know what i would do without it. I have met some really amazing people through music too. It's something that can be used in SO many different ways, can have so many different meanings...could be worship music for praising God, could be telling a story, gives hope, makes you realize that there are people that are going through what you are,could be funny, i could go on and on but i think you get the point.

I always see these talent shows on tv and there was an episode of america's got talent, they had to eliminate someone out of two people. One was a dancer, one was a singer. I am a dancer myself and i love to watch people dance and i know it's definitly not the easiest thing but to me singers are far more talented! I think that anybody can dance,might not look the best but pretty much anybody can pull of a dance or two. Not anybody can sing, ha i can't! You have to be born with a singing ablilty...or at least thats what i think, you have to be taught dance...most singing is natural.

Music makes me cry. Music calms me when i'm angry. Music drys my tears.Music takes away my fears. Music is my life!

Anyways, i just wanted to say how much music influences mine and i'm sure other people's lives. If you ever need encouragement or just some good music here are some top artists on my playlist.

Natalie Grant
Tammy Trent
Jenifer Thigpen
Deidra Hughes
Anthony Evans
Kari Jobe
Group One Crew

That is mainly all i listen to, christian. Every once in awhile i will mix in someone different but not much.

Friday, August 7, 2009

a little about how i have been?

My last blog was well...depressing. But, i had a great talk with Deidra and it helped alot:) I am trying to stop cussing once again and whoa its not easy! I am really trying though, ha funny thing, i'm pretty sure everytime i try and quit i say "i'm really trying though".lol

Me and my nana are finally going to church! As lame as it might sound i get excited everytime i think about it! The church we are going to is church of christ so there is no music:(its definitely not what i would have chosen but it will work:) In about 3 months i will have my own car and i can choose a church to drive MYSELF to.

My dance team stuff has started up. This is my first year to be on the team so alot is new to me. And i barely know anybody, which really sucks because i don't know, i guess i'm not comfortable and don't act my krazzy self. I want to but i'm just not comfortable and i always want people to like me? I'm confusing because i dont care what people think after i start acting myself but at first when i dont know them i do? Ha. Weird i know.

My mom decided to text me after i dont know how many months we havent talked. I couldnt not reply because it was saying how much she loves me and blah blah blah so i called her. We talked for like an hour. She said she is trying to respect what i want but its so hard and she just wants to know if im okay. So i told her i would call her once every month and give her a little update. She asked for every week and i sad no thats to much, i could tell she was trying not to push but she wants to talk to me so bad. Everytime i get done talking to her i always feel so bad:(

But other than that suprisingly everything is pretty good right now.(knocking on wood). My dad is still stupid but thats nothing new.i couldn't think of anything specific to write about so i hope this satisfy's ya;)